Creative Writing Minor

Declaring and Completing

Declaring the Creative Writing Minor

Students must declare the minor no later than the term before their Expected Graduation Term (EGT) as posted on their My Academics page in CalCentral.

To be eligible to declare the minor, students must have completed or be enrolled in after the fourth week of the semester two approved creative writing courses or one approved creative writing course and one approved literature course for the minor.

To declare the minor, students must complete a Creative Writing Minor Declaration Form no later than the Friday of the RRR week of the semester before their EGT. If the term before their EGT is summer, the declaration form is due the last Friday of Summer Sessions. If the declaration application is approved, Creative Writing will be added as a minor program to the student’s My Academics page in CalCentral.

Completing the Creative Writing Minor

Declared students, who have or will be completing the minor by taking the five required courses and satisfying all minor requirements, must complete a Completion of L&S Minor Form during their Expected Graduation Term (EGT) as posted on their My Academics page in CalCentral. In most cases, major advisor(s) signatures on the forms are needed before the forms are submitted. Email the completed forms to Laura Demir at no later than the Friday of the RRR week. If the completion of the minor is confirmed, the Creative Writing Minor will appear on the student’s final transcript. It will not appear on the diploma.